

Interior construction Campus has built a new international headquarters on Amsterdam's Oosterdokseiland, called Campus, designed by UNStudio

With an area of 65,000 m2 spread over 11 floors, this is one of the largest inner-city projects in Western Europe. Under project management by CBRE Netherlands and based on interior designs by a dozen (interior) architects, INTOS was asked to realise the vast majority of the custom-made furniture.

Assignment: Customised interiors for various areas in the Campus
Location: Amsterdam
Design: UN Studio
Photography: Michel Claus

Customer needs
INTOS was asked to provide the interior design for the 3 restaurants, 28 break-out and pantry areas, the connectors with game and play elements, flask and prayer rooms and the physio room. Each restaurant was designed by a different architect and the 28 different break-outs all with a different travel destination, such as Greek Island, Tokyo and Rio de Janeiro were designed by different architects. The functionality was the same in all these break-out areas, but the look, details and colours were all tailored to the travel destinations.

Our approach
In 2020, we started working on the interior designs with two teams. As the building does not have a single 90-degree angle, all the furniture was specially developed. After agreeing on the elaboration, we started interior construction on site in late 2020 early 2021.

Since rough construction was not as advanced as planned at the beginning, it was a major logistical challenge to start interior construction. Train seats, pantries and arrangements for plants were built for the break-out rooms. In addition to the planned components for the restaurants, such as the food serving points, seating areas and herb gardens, we were also asked during the project to create the custom-made outdoor furniture for the terraces. In just two months, we were able to get the wood and metal delivered and built the furniture for over 1,000 seats.

In the concluding phase, we were additionally asked to realise two other spaces. Namely for the Broadcasting Studio, intended for grand internal presentations, and for the public restaurant on the ground floor, A Beautiful Mess. We also extended the reception desk by incorporating a vending machine for issuing visitor passes.

Delivered result
"We are extremely proud to have realised our Booking Campus. Without the involvement of many partners, including INTOS, this challenging assignment would have been even more challenging. We are happy with the end result and are now working here with many employees in an incredibly pleasant way!", Jonathan Karman, project manager.

"We have spent six years on a huge journey with our Principal, colleagues and stakeholders to come to the realisation of the Campus. I am incredibly grateful that we have been part of this ''once in a lifetime project' were involved. It was a pleasure to work with all the designers, different parties and suppliers," said Pauline Kern, Senior Project Manager CBRE Netherlands.

"This was a hugely cool and challenging project in a fascinating building with, for example, a completely free-hanging floor above the rail and road. I am immensely proud of the interior we delivered. This project really shows who we are and how we work. Due to the enormous size and duration of this project, we worked with several teams. Despite this, we have retained our flexibility, which also allowed us to take on nice additional assignments," says Peter Warmerdam, INTOS project manager.

"The drawing work including material sampling with a lead time of more than a year well reflects the scope of this project. With stacks of drawings, our furniture makers worked to efficiently realise all components. Tight logistical planning allowed masses of furniture elements to be assembled throughout the building for on-time delivery. During a project, you don't often stop to think about the scope, but after completion and a visit to the empty building with the photographer, you realise that we pulled this off together. We can really be proud of that!", said Jim Koordes, Project Director INTOS.

Architecture: UNStudio
Lead Interior Architect: HofmanDujardin
Interior Area Designers: CBRE Design Collective, HofmanDujardin, i29 interior architects, Linehouse, Studio Modijefsky, UNStudio
Interior Layer Designers: Mijksenaar, MOSS, Powerplant, Scholten & Baijings, Studio Rublek

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